Using Yellow Beans to do live streaming is considered joining “Star of the Day”. The only way for users to obtain Yellow Beans is through active participation in “Star of the Day”.
Users can use Yipps to purchase Yellow Beans to get more chances to win the “Star of the Day”. Yipps can be used to purchase Yellow Bean packages. The Yipps accumulated by users from daily treasure boxes can be used to purchase more Yellow Beans!
Users can use Yellow Beans to apply for live streaming multiple times in a day, the tipping amount obtained from different time slots on the same day will be summed up to improve the Star Points. However, if the same audience enters your live room multiple times at different time slots on the same day, it is counted as one unique audience only. If you do not use Yellow Bean to start the live streaming, you can still apply Yellow Beans halfway to participate in the “Star of the Day”.
Star Points are calculated by unique audience and tipping received. 1 unique audience gives you 1 point, 1 Yipps tipping received gives you 1 point.
For example, you have 200 unique audience, you get 200 Star Points. You receive 100 Yipps tipping, which earn you another 100 Star Points. At total you will receive 300 Star Points.
The live streamers have to select the language before starting live streaming. Audiences can filter the live content by languages under the live Hot tab. Thus, audiences can easily select the live content that matches with their language environment and to increase the interaction between the live streamers and audiences!
The calculation time for Star Points is from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm (GMT+8) daily.
The ranking can be found at the blue icon at the top left corner of the live room. Tap it to view daily, weekly or monthly total Star Points. Star Points are accumulated over last 7 days and 30 days, and they are updated daily.
Star Points are calculated by unique audience and tipping received. 1 unique audience gives you 1 point, 1 Yipps tipping received gives you 1 point.
For example, you have 200 unique audience, you get 200 Star Points. You receive 100 Yipps tipping, which earn you another 100 Star Points. At total you will receive 300 Star Points.
The live streamers have to select the language before starting live streaming. Audiences can filter the live content by languages under the live Hot tab. Thus, audiences can easily select the live content that matches with their language environment and to increase the interaction between the live streamers and audiences!
The calculation time for Star Points is from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm (GMT+8) daily.
The ranking can be found at the blue icon at the top left corner of the live room. Tap it to view daily, weekly or monthly total Star Points. Star Points are accumulated over last 7 days and 30 days, and they are updated daily.
Participating in “Star of the Day” not only can win Yellow Beans, now we also added a 10-month fan subscription reward with 100 Yipps for each month! The live streamers in each language category (Chinese, English and Vietnamese) have their respective chances to win this fan subscription reward! The referrers will receive the same reward too! #YouWinIWin
Each live streamer can only win once in a month. Both live streamers and their referrers must be verified users. The live streamers and their referrers who receive the fan subscription reward must publish minimum 15 posts (including photos and mini videos) and go live for 8 times each month for 10 months.
For Yellow Beans reward, all live streamers from different language categories compete together to get the most numbers of Yellow Beans!
The calculation method of Yellow Beans reward:
For example, if there are 100 contestants on that day, the top 10 contestants with the highest scores will get 7 Yellow Beans. The 11th to 20th contestants will get 6 Yellow Beans. So on and so forth. The champion of the day can get an extra 10 Yellow Beans, which means he or she can get a total of 17 Yellow Beans, plus a medal of honour.
During live streaming, the live streamers must abide by the following terms and conditions: