Privacy Policy

Last updated: September 15, 2022

RewardsLink is owned by Togl Technology Sdn Bhd and licensed to Shenzhen Yiyi Technology Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) to operate and develop RewardsLink. The application contains targeted push or advertising precision marketing functions.

This privacy statement describes our collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal data in connection with eBay and its affiliated websites, applications, services and platforms, as well as your use of them, our marketing and provision of products and services, Our interactions with you in person, by phone or email, and in other aspects of operating our business. Since we started developing RewardsLink, we have wanted to adhere to a strict set of privacy principles when creating the service.

Please read this section carefully as this section sets out our privacy statement which tells you about our privacy practices, how we collect your personal data online, how we use that information and how we share, transfer and protect it.

Your use of RewardsLink or your provision of information to us constitutes your acknowledgment of the terms of this Privacy Statement. We are fully committed to protecting information relating to identified or identifiable natural persons. If you do not wish to have any of your personal data used in the manner described in this privacy statement, please do not send it to us. RewardsLink is one of the fastest growing applications that provides messaging, web calling, voice messaging, video calling and other services (collectively, the “Services”) to users around the world through its mobile applications, website and/or other platforms. We are committed to protecting your privacy by adhering to our Privacy Policy.

We will collect and use your information in accordance with the Privacy Policy, but we will not collect your personal information in a binding manner just because you agree to this Privacy Policy. When you use or activate relevant functions or services, we will collect and use relevant information required to implement the functions and services. Unless it is information necessary to achieve basic business functions or information required by laws and regulations, you may refuse to provide other functions or services that will not affect its functions. We will explain which information is necessary in our privacy policy.

If you do not log in to your account, we will ensure that basic functional information is pushed to the device through the corresponding identifier information. If you log in to your account, we will push information based on your account information. If you do not want to receive any push notifications, you can go to “Settings” and then enter the “Notifications” option to turn off the push notification function.

By default, address book, geolocation, camera, microphone, and album permissions are not enabled. They may be used to implement specific features or services only with your express authorization. You can also revoke your authorization. In particular, even with your authorization, we will not collect your information if the relevant functions or services are not required.

This Privacy Policy applies to the products and services we provide through the SDK and API of RewardsLink, official website, third-party websites and applications.

This policy explains:

  • The types of personal data we collect and how we collect it;
  • How we use your personal data;
  • The parties to whom we disclose personal data; and
  • Choices we offer, including how to read and update your personal data.

Information we may collect from you

RewardsLink receives or collects information when we operate and provide our Services, including when you install, access or use our Services.

Personal data we may collect from you

We collect the following personal data from you:

  • Personal data used to establish your identity and background, such as your full name, passport or identity card number, photo and nationality;
  • Contact information, such as mobile phone number and email address;
  • Geographical location information: including precise geographical location information obtained from sensor information such as GPS information, WLAN access points, Bluetooth, and base stations, as well as approximate geographical location information obtained from network location information (such as base stations, IP, and WLAN);
  • Storage of address books, cameras, microphones, photos and data files from mobile phone numbers and email addresses, including but not limited to text, pdf, audio, image and video payment data, such as your bank account number, bank account holder’s Full name and details, bank code and other bank account details;
  • Images of you captured by CCTV cameras installed at our branches or premises;
  • Photographs of you taken during any of our corporate events or third party open days;
  • Record your calls to our customer service;
  • Your role or posts in your business relationship with us; or
  • The resume or curriculum vitae you submit when you apply for a job with us.
  • Android ID: The purpose is to support the security check of user account login devices.
  • IMEI/MAC/DFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM card IMSI: used for data statistical analysis.
  • Running process information: We read  running application process to determine whether the current APP is running in the foreground, so that the APP can switch to the background and process related services of the device.

For general browsing, although no personal data is disclosed to us, certain technical and statistical information may be obtained through the discontinued Internet service, such as cookies, your IP address, access time, date and duration of access.

If you provide us with any personal data relating to a third party (for example, information about your spouse, children, parents and/or employees), by submitting such personal data to us you represent that you have obtained the consent of the third party, provide us with their personal data for the purposes listed below.

How we collect your personal data

We may collect personal data from you, your authorized representatives, third parties or publicly available sources, which may include (but are not limited to):

  • When you register for our services (such as registering to become a user of our products), you may be required to provide your real identity information (real name, ID number, phone number, etc.) in accordance with relevant laws and regulations to complete real-name verification. Certain information is sensitive personal information and you may refuse to provide it. If you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to obtain relevant services, but it will not affect the normal use of other functions and services;
  • When you provide your mobile phone number by registering and express your consent, we may find your friends through your address book. If you refuse to provide consent, you may not be able to obtain relevant services, but this will not affect the normal use of other functions and services;
  • When you use image, audio, and video publishing features, we will ask you to authorize your camera, photos, and microphone. If you refuse to provide authorization, you will not be able to use this function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions;
  • When you grant access to your precise geographic location, location information is collected in connection with this service to help display your location when you post information or interact with us. If you refuse to provide accurate geolocation information, we will use your IP address to map your city and/or county. If you want to add geolocation information to your work, you can add geolocation information by granting precise geolocation permission or active selection (search or platform recommendation options, etc.). Precise geographical location information is sensitive personal information. If you refuse to provide it to us, we will not recommend information to you based on the precise geographical location information you provide, nor will it affect the normal use of other service functions;
  • When you contact us in person, by phone or over the counter (for example if you contact us with any questions, complaints, comments or feedback we will keep a record of the communication);
  • When you participate in any surveys, questionnaires, contests, competitions, offers or promotions conducted internally or through designated third parties;
  • When you enter into a business relationship with us (for example, as a service provider or business partner);
  • When you visit any of our subsidiaries, branches or premises;
  • When you attend any of our corporate events or third party open days;
  • When you visit or browse our website;
  • When you apply for a job with us;
  • The information collected when you use our products or services, such as information posted by other users, may include some of your information (for example: information related to you in comments, messages, posted pictures and pictures, audios and videos);
  • When you interact with us through social media or interactive applications, including but not limited to RewardsLink, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram;
  • When we collect information about you from a third party (payee, credit reporting agency or financial institution) with whom you communicate or have contact with you; or
  • From other such sources where you have consented to the disclosure of personal data relating to you and/or where otherwise permitted by law.

Scope of use of personal data collected

You agree that we may use your personal data to the extent permitted by applicable law or for the following purposes:

  • Verify your identity;
  • Manage and maintain your relevant accounts or contracts;
  • To notify you about benefits and changes to the Services;
  • Based on your authorization, provide you with and improve our services, such as:
    – Access the address book to invite and find friends on the service
    – Use the camera to take photos and record videos for publication on RewardsLink and perform any video calling and live streaming functions on RewardsLink
    – Use the microphone for instant messaging voice notes, video and/or audio calls and RewardsLink’s live streaming feature;
  • We will show and recommend local information to you in your area (city, district, county, etc.) based on the city and/or region corresponding to the approximate geographical location information;
  • Meet audit requirements, bill for services and facilitate payments To carry out your instructions or respond to any inquiries, complaints, comments or feedback you submit to us;
  • Compile information for analysis and provide in reports to relevant regulatory authorities
  • Transfer or transfer our rights, interests and obligations under any agreement between you and us;
  • Update, consolidate and improve the accuracy of our records
  • To administer a contest, competition, offer or promotion
  • Generate data, reports and statistics that are anonymous and do not identify you
  • Conduct analytical research, including without limitation data mining and analysis of transactions with us;
  • Assess financial and insurance risks;
  • In circumstances where user approval is required, our company will conduct surveys and questionnaires to provide you with more ideal information;
  • Engage in business transactions in connection with the services to be provided to you;
  • To comply with any legal or regulatory obligations under applicable laws, regulations, guidance or industry regulations that apply to us;
  • To conduct internal administration of the services provided to you;
  • To maintain records required for security, claims or other legal purposes;
  • To provide training to our employees;
  • Conduct marketing and information technology activities (e.g., market research);
  • A person identified as you or your authorized representative for the purposes of the relevant transaction or inquiry
  • Providing services to third parties contracted by us (such as performing analytics on our behalf) to carry out any of the above purposes. When we disclose your personal data to third parties, we will ensure that the data is only used for the purpose of providing services to us; or
  • For any other purpose required or permitted by any law, regulation, guidance and/or relevant regulatory authority.

Who we share your personal data with

Your personal information will be kept strictly confidential. As part of providing our services to you and the management or operation of service providers, we may be required or required to disclose information about you to the following third parties:

  • Federal or state government;
  • Law enforcement agencies;
  • Government agency
  • Our regulators
  • Companies or organizations where we are agents, contractors, service providers or professional consultants
  • Companies or organizations that help us process and/or otherwise complete transactions and provide you with the services you request
  • To business partners and other parties who collect and use your personal data
  • Other parties with whom you have expressly consented or tacitly consented; or
  • Any credit reporting agency, or in the event of a default, any debt collection agency is permitted by the laws that apply to us.

We will sign confidentiality agreements with companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share personal information, and will require them in an appropriate manner to handle individuals in accordance with our instructions, this Privacy Policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures. information. When using sensitive personal data, we require the use of encryption technology to better protect user data. For the SDK directory of third parties such as our connected partners, please see here.

Presenting Product or Service Information to You

Personalized Recommendations

To show and recommend merchants or service information that may interest you, we collect and use your browsing, search, add-to-cart, and transaction records when you visit or use the Reward You platform website or client. This is combined with device information, service log information, and other authorized information collected in accordance with the law. Using algorithm models, we predict your preference characteristics. Based on your preference characteristics, we push commercial advertisements and other information that may interest you on the Reward You platform and other third-party applications or terminals, or send you commercial information. Additionally, we conduct statistical analyses of browsing, search hotspots, trends, and preferences of Reward You platform users, using sorting and selection algorithms to generate related curated lists, which we recommend to you.

Personalized recommendation and retrieval algorithms predict your preference characteristics, matching merchants, services, or other information that may interest you, and sorting the merchants, services, or other information displayed to you. Based on your browsing behavior during the use of the product, we provide real-time feedback to the recommendation model, continuously adjusting and optimizing the recommendation results. To meet your diverse needs, we introduce diversified recommendation technologies during the sorting process to expand the range of recommendations and avoid excessive concentration of similar content.

At the same time, we take measures to ensure your privacy experience. If you want to manage the personalized content we recommend to you, you can do so in “Me – Settings – Feed – Personalized Recommendations.”

If the personal data you provide is incomplete

Where indicated in your login or registration name, you are obliged to provide us with your personal data to enable us to process your service request. If you fail to provide complete and mandatory personal data, we may not be able to process your application or provide you with our services and payment.

Your right to access and correct your personal data

We can assist you in accessing and correcting the personal data we hold. If you wish to access your personal data, or if you believe that such personal data we hold is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or not up-to-date, you can make a viewing request to us through customer support within the RewardsLink app.

How long we will keep your personal data

We will retain personal data consistent with this policy and/or the terms and conditions of your order of products for the duration of your relationship with us, to protect the interests of the Company or its subsidiaries and/or its customers and as the case may be during this period. Decisions may be deemed necessary to comply with the relevant policy requirements of the Company Group or its subsidiaries.

How we protect and secure your personal data

We strive to take all reasonable steps to protect your personal data and ensure that your personal data is kept safe and secure. This includes following our security procedures (such as checking your identity when you call). Our website may link to other websites and we are not responsible for their data policies, procedures or content.

Assignments, Changes and Transfers of Control

We may freely assign all rights and obligations under the Privacy Policy to any of our affiliates in connection with a merger, acquisition, reorganization or sale of assets or by operation of law or otherwise, and we may transfer your information to any of our affiliates, Institutional or new holder.

The use of the RewardsLink Platform, Services and/or Software and the Terms of Use shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia and you hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Malaysia, notwithstanding that you may use the RewardsLink Platform in other jurisdictions outside Malaysia, Services and/or Software.

Our global operations

You agree to our information practices, including the collection, use, processing and sharing of your information as described in this Privacy Policy, and to the transfer and processing of your information in Malaysia and other countries around the world where we own or use facilities and services provided suppliers or partners, no matter where you use our services. You acknowledge that the laws, regulations and standards of the country in which your information is stored or processed may differ from the laws, regulations and standards of the country in which you are located.

Your consent

By submitting your personal data, you consent to the use of your personal data as set out in this policy. If we change our policy, we will post the revised version on this page. But you can request a copy by emailing or writing to us. Continued use of the Service constitutes your agreement to any such changes.

Withdraw consent

You may withdraw your consent to the collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal information held or controlled by us by submitting a request. To do this, you can send an email to report@ We will process your request within five (5) business days of your request and will no longer collect, use and/or disclose your personal information in accordance with your request. You may not be able to use certain services, but this will not affect your normal use of other functions of the service.

Cancel service or account

If you wish to cancel your RewardsLink account, you may send an email request to report@ Since canceling your RewardsLink account will result in you being unable to use RewardsLink and services, please proceed with caution. We will provide a cancellation form that is returned to us. We will process your request within five (5) business days of your request. In order to protect your or others’ legitimate rights and interests, we will decide whether to support your cancellation request through account verification based on your use of Rewardslink and its services.

Our contact information

The Group of Companies or its subsidiaries is committed to protecting your personal data. If you have questions or comments about the Company’s management of personal data in connection with the RewardsLink Application, please contact us.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this policy, we would be happy to hear from you. Please contact us via customer support on the RewardsLink app.

SDK Directory

In order to ensure the stable operation of RewardsLink APP or implement related functions, we may access the software development kit (SDK) provided by a third party to achieve the aforementioned purposes. We will fulfill our duty of prudence and conduct strict security monitoring of the software tool development kit (SDK) used by our partners to obtain information to protect data security.

The third-party SDK we access mainly serves the needs of you and other users. Therefore, when meeting new service requirements and changes in business functions, we may adjust the third-party SDK we access. We will promptly disclose to you the latest status of accessing third-party SDKs in this description. The third-party SDKs currently connected to RewardsLink App are listed below:

Engagelab pushes SDK and third-party manufacturers push SDK (Xiaomi, Huawei, oppo, vivo, Meizu, etc.)

Function: Message push service

Types of personal information collected: Device identification information, network information and location information

Privacy Policy Link:

Purpose of use: Push notification service to help us send push notifications to users.

CleverTap SDK

Function: Customer retention strategy service

Type of personal information collected: Device identification information

Privacy Policy Link:

Purpose of use: Collect in-app user activities for analysis to improve user experience.

Yunxin Communication Service – com.netease.yunxin (Netease Cloud Letter; Netease Audio and Video Call; RTC)

Function: Message communication service

Types of personal information collected: Device identification information, audio information, log information

Privacy Policy Link:

Purpose of use: It is used for the instant messaging function in the APP. Users can send messages, pictures, videos, NetEase audio and video calls, etc. to their friends in the APP.

Ant Zorro SDK

Function: Real-name authentication service

Types of personal information collected: Device identification information, biometric information

Privacy Policy Link:

Purpose of use: It is used for the identity authentication function in the APP. Users can choose whether to authenticate their accounts in the APP.

Fantai Geek

Function: Mini Program

Type of personal information collected: Device identification information

Privacy Policy Link: /privacy-policy.html

Purpose of use: It is used to add small programs in the APP to improve user experience.

Alipay login

Function: One-click login

Type of personal information collected: Device identification information

Privacy Policy Link:

Purpose of use: Alipay users can log in to the APP function with one click.

Login with Facebook

Function: One-click login

Type of personal information collected: Device identification information

Privacy Policy Link:

Purpose of use: Facebook users can log in to the APP function with one click.

Wisdom Teeth Technology SDK

Function: Wisdom Teeth Customer Service

Types of personal information collected: Device identification information, obtaining system permissions

Privacy Policy Link: .html

Purpose of use: It is used by the App to communicate with our account specialists.

Amap SDK

Function: Map/Positioning SDK

Types of personal information collected: Device identification information, obtaining system permissions

Privacy Policy Link:

Purpose of use: It is used for App map and positioning data functions.

Alipay SDK – com.aliyun (Alipay, Alibaba Cloud, Alibaba push, Alibaba push, mPaaS, Alibaba ride code, Alibaba Sesame Credit real-name authentication, Sesame certification)

Function: One-click login to SDK

Type of personal information collected: Device identification information (obtaining MAC address, IMEI)

Privacy Policy Link:

Purpose of use: It is used for the one-click login function of App Alipay.


Function: An open source framework for handling secure network requests, including OkHttp and Rxjava2

Types of personal information collected: Network access rights, MAC address, IMEI, IMSI, Andorid ID

Privacy: N/A

Purpose of use:

  • Used to handle network requests
  • To gather location information for data analysis in order to provide more tailored services.

Risk control engine – com.netease.nis (NetEase Yidun; Mobile Security Alliance; MSA)

Function: Risk control engine

Types of personal information collected: Device identification information, application information, log information

Privacy policy link:

Purpose of use: It is used for the App risk control engine function.


Function: Application recommendation

Types of personal information collected: Device identifiers (Android such as IMEI, Android ID, IMSI, ICCID, MEID, iOS such as IDFV), device parameters and system information (device type, device model, device language, operating system and hardware related Information), device network environment information (IP address, WiFi information), device sensors (gyro sensor, acceleration sensor), application list, operator information

Privacy Policy Link:

Purpose of use: Application recommendation

七牛SDK – com.qiniu(七牛;Qiniu;PLPlayerkit;PLShortVideoKit)

Function: Short video player

Types of personal information collected: Device identification information, obtaining system permissions

Privacy Policy Link:

Purpose of use: It is used as app short video player